1978 Bloody Vaisakhi
Over 1 million Sikh pilgrims had assembled at Amritsar on the Vaisakhi day of 1978. At the same time the Nirankari-called Sect of bohemians from Delhi and other parts of the Indian sub-continent held a procession and a conference at Amritsar. During their Conference the speakers made venomous attacks on Sikhism Sikh Gurus Sikh scriptures etc. A few Sikhs under the command of Bhai Fauja Singh marched from the Darbar Sahib to protest against this fake Nirankari procession in which Gurbachan Singh Nirankari had seated himself on a higher position than Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Sri Guru Granth Sahib the prevalent Guru of GurSikhs is always respectfully seated at the highest platform in any congregation. Anyone seated on a platform higher than that of Sri Guru Granth Sahib is considered disrespectful and sacrilegious among Guru Khalsa Panth.